Diamond Jubilee Celebrations & Medal

14 February 2012

Following much discussion, the Chief Volunteer Officer, Don Downer, has authorised the wearing of the Diamond Jubilee Medal (Commemorative) available from Bigbury Mint on Maritime Volunteer Service uniforms.
Eligibility is as follows, one or both of the following:
- List 'A' members who have participated in official QDJ or Olympics 2012 events that have been approved by CoM and having completed one full year service by 6th Feb 2012.
- List 'A' members having completed five years service in the MVS by 6th Feb 2012.
Contact CVO for further information.
In addition and for the clarification of members the following medals are also authorised for wear on Maritime Volunteer Service uniform.
1. All official medals and decorations as presented or bestowed by an official government or monarch.
2. The Merchant Navy Medal as awarded once a year by Merchant Navy Medal Administrator of the Merchant Navy Welfare Board.
3. The following commemorative medals:
Eligibility is as follows:
A List members who completed five full calendar years of service on 6 February 2002 in the Maritime Volunteer Service, Armed Forces (regular and reserves), Emergency Services (regular or voluntary/retained), Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and members of the Prison Service. Service time can be combined but not concurrent.
Contact BIGBURY MINT to purchase your medal and/or medal ribbon.
Eligibility is as follows:
List 'A' members who have completed fifteen full calendar years of service in the Maritime Volunteer Service. The medals and/or ribbons are presented at each year's AGM by the Chief Volunteer Officer and an honoured guest.
Contact the CVO for further information.
Eligibility is as follows:
List 'A' members who completed two full calendar years of service in the Merchant Navy, Royal Fleet Auxiliary or as a DEMS Gunner. Service time can be combined but not concurrent.
Contact AWARD MEDALS to purchase your medal and/or medal ribbon.
CADET FORCES MEDAL (Commemorative)
Eligibility is as follows:
List 'A' members who completed five full calendar years of service in the Sea Cadet Corps, Combined Cadet Force, Air Training Corps or Army Cadet Force. Service time can be combined but not concurrent.
Contact AWARD MEDALS to purchase your medal and/or medal ribbon.
The subjects of medals, especially commemorative ones, can be very emotive and therefore careful consideration has been given to selecting the commemorative medals mentioned above. The criteria for selecting them was:
- A clear association with the Maritime Volunteer Service.
- Only one version of the medal is available to purchase (for example; there are two versions for having performed National Service).
- That a percentage of the sale from each medals goes to a charity or good cause.
Other commemorative medals may be approved by the Chief Volunteer Officer on request. Proof of service may be required for medals not mentioned above.