CoM Moves South

All the members of CoM plus RVOs South Devon, Dorset & Solent with HoUs Portsmouth, Poole & Christchurch and DHoU Poole.

The MVS Council of Management moved south to Poole for its latest meeting held on June 13th.

There was a full agenda, so the national managers reports, that had been circulated prior to the meeting, were all taken as read and a short summary on each was given by the Chair with the opportunity for members to ask questions.

There were discussions on Health & Safety, Child & Vulnerable Persons Protection law and Disclosure & Barring checks.

It was stressed that not all members have to have a DBS check – only those who agree to work with children & vulnerable persons.

Fleet list accuracy, insurance, fund raising, recruiting and social media use were other topics for debate.

A new social media policy has been produced by the Communications Manager which will be published shortly.

Updated RVO, HoU and H&S Handbooks were all agreed upon and put forward for publication on the website.

National recruiting was discussed, but it was felt that individual units must do more to publicize themselves in their local area by being out and about.
It is suggested that each unit has a Facebook page and registers a unit Twitter account.

There was also a repeated request from the Nat Resilience & Events Manager for units to let him know what is going on in their local area so that he can promote them on the website.
He is happy to give help and advice where needed.