Council all Afloat but not Awash
The Trustees of the MVS, who form the National Council, meet formally at least four times a year.
These gatherings have been hosted by the RNR in HMS President for many years.
With the additional commitments of our reserve forces it was decided to try a new venue.
Fortunately for us, HQS Wellington, a former Grimsby class sloop and home of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners was available for the January meeting.
This meeting was facilitated by new member to the MVS, Matt O’Crowley, who like our Deputy Chair, Richard Upton. is a member of the HCMM.
Built at Devonport in 1934, HMS Wellington served mainly in the Pacific.
She was then converted from being His Majesty’s Ship Wellington to Head Quarters Ship Wellington at the Chatham dockyards.
She arrived at her Victoria Embankment berth in December 1948 to continue service as the floating livery hall of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners.
On the 1st of July 2005 ownership of the Wellington was transferred from the Honourable Company to the Wellington Trust.
After a short. guided tour around the ship, the business of the day began.
Welcoming two new faces, Tony Minns, who formally signed the due declaration to become a trustee and Julian Butcher, who we hope will shortly join the Secretariat.
During a short break to refresh the tea and coffee cups, MVS Chairman Elfyn Hughes had the privilege to meet Able Seaman Peter Gibbs, the last surviving Wellington veteran.
Elfyn’s late father, Captain Gwilym Hughes, sailed in coasters throughout the war and was awarded the Atlantic Star.
Capt. Hughes was at Dunkirk and Normandy.
Elfyn, who, like his late father, served in the Merchant Navy for a number of years and is a Master Mariner, said “It was impressive to hold a Council meeting afloat and then to meet the last Wellington veteran really put the icing on the cake.
I was honoured to meet a man such as Peter and to meet him on board Wellington”
Photo 1: Council working hard.
Photo 2: The Chair with Peter Gibbs in the Wardroom