Poppies Bloom in Thanet


The Blood-Swept Lands and Seas of Red installation at the Tower of London grabbed the imagination of the whole nation in the weeks leading up to Armistice Day.

A similar, although much smaller commemoration was organised by the MVS in Margate.

500 poppies were designed, assembled and painted by MVS volunteers.

Money for the materials was raised by the members for 10 cans of classic red spray paint and over 600 feet of green fence wire.

Beer cans were collected by the members and then cut, shaped and assembled.

The 500 poppies equates to 1 poppy per 20,000 military deaths.

The poppies built up gradually over three months reminding us that the deaths had also accumulated day by day.

The poppies were removed at midnight on November 11th.

The unit was thanked by the council for their efforts and was asked to repeat it next year.

Unit membership is unique in that the majority of the members are financially, physically and/or mentally challenged.

The unit strives to care for the environment and members assist in carnivals, exhibitions, beach cleaning and other community events in the area.

Members benefit from the opportunities provided and have the confidence to take an active interest in training for SRC Radio, Diesel and First Aid courses as well as the hands-on experience of boat handling.

MVS Thanet