MVS AGM Held in Liverpool
MVS members headed north to the fine maritime city of Liverpool for our 2014 AGM held at the Devonshire House Hotel.
After a short session of networking and checking the display which had pictures of the new MVS registered office and the “Rewards for Rescue” offer to MVS members, the AGM was formally opened.
After a few hours the legal part concluded with three new member trustee’s taking office, the accounts being read and the retirement of the Chair.
Then came a short lunch break and more networking time, a new Area Volunteer Officer for Central England and Wales was interviewed and appointed.
During the afternoon the Merseyside Police Ports Unit reminded the meeting of our important contribution to Project Kraken which delivers an enhanced crime and counter terrorist capability within the maritime environment.
Later, our new external Trustee Martin McCabe threw a few thoughtful ideas about fundraising to the audience and received their comments.
The day concluded with a gala dinner for MVS members.
Picture: MVS members gather for the AGM in Liverpool.