MVS East Sussex lottery raises almost £800

Sea Scout leaders from Bexhill have drawn the winning tickets in East Sussex Sovereign Harbour Unit’s 2014 lottery.
The winning ticket for £500 was bought by a member of the public in Hastings.
There were several smaller prizes.
HoU Keith Johnson commented: “While the amount we brought in through this lottery was not massive, it will still help our finances and it was our first go at running a lottery.
We have learnt a lot about how to do this effectively.
We are about to print the tickets for the 2015 lottery and I am confident this will raise a considerably larger sum.
Sincere thanks go to the several MVS Units that sold tickets.”
The Scout leaders were asked to draw the tickets because their troop had helped in selling tickets at several events during the summer.
The MVS Unit works closely with Bexhill Sea Scouts, providing them with evening seatime on East Sussex 1 and regular shore based training for the various nautical badges that Scouts can earn.
Picture: MVS East Sussex is closely associated with the Bexhill Sea Scouts