Support for Salford Sea Cadets

Salford Sea Cadets

The new MVS Port of Manchester Unit is continuing to get out and about in the area surrounding the Manchester Ship Canal.

The MVS has found a home at the City of Salford Sea Cadets, which is based at TS Ilex at the Old Boatyard at Worsley.

The unit were invited to the Royal Naval Parade (RNP) inspection of the Sea Cadets on Thursday February 26th and were happy to attend.

PVO Ian Hopkinson said, “We were delighted to support the Sea Cadets who have been incredibly helpful to us so far and we hope to work together in the future as the unit becomes more firmly established”.

Picture: Salford SCC CO Jacqueline Truswell, Commander Mark Irwin RN and PVO Ian Hopkinson at the SCC Royal Naval Parade inspection.

MVS Port of Manchester