MVS at Winchester Shipping Service


Each year in June, a Shipping Festival Service is held in Winchester Cathedral as a tribute to those who have served and those who continue to serve in the UK shipping industry.

The Southampton Master Mariners Club has organised the service since 1930.

The MVS was represented by Paul Marlow, the head of the Portsmouth Unit who had the privilege of carrying the MVS standard.

The service was attended by Captain Jeremy Smart, the Captain of the Southampton Master Mariners club, the Mayors of Winchester and Southampton and the Bishop of Winchester among many others.

The Colour Party was drawn from HMS King Alfred, the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and the Warsash Maritime Academy.

Behind the colour party were standards from other maritime organisations including the MVS.

Sea Cadets from Southampton and Winchester carried flags from the Mission to Seaman and various shipping companies and organisations associated with Southampton.

Paul was accompanied by his wife Katie Marlow the MVS National Registrar.

Both took the opportunity to network with other nautical organisations at the reception which was held in the Cathedral gardens.

MVS Portsmouth