MVS Exercise with RNLI in Eastbourne

The MVS National Training Vessel East Sussex 1 has taken part in a successful joint exercise with the Eastbourne all-weather RNLI lifeboat.
ES1’s role during the exercise was that of a vessel having lost use of its engine somewhere near Beachy Head.
A pre-arranged deliberately imprecise position report was sent to the lifeboat, whose crew had to locate ES1 and proceed to her assistance.
The lifeboat crew then passed over a bridle and tow line and took ES1 under tow.
This exercise was carried out a number of times during the morning as practice.
Throughout the search and rescue (SAR) exercise, MVS crew members were able to put to good use the skills gained on their recent VHF course.
A highlight for some of ES1’s crew at the end of the session was being invited to transfer to the lifeboat for a high-speed run before being transferred back to ES1 for a more sedate trip back to Eastbourne’s Sovereign Harbour.
The RNLI was grateful to the MVS members who took part in the exercise and further similar exercises are likely to take place later in the year.