Offshore Trip for Severn Unit
12 August 2018
The Tewkesbury based Severn Unit have had a successful training cruise down the Severn Estuary in their unit training boat Minerva and three other cruisers.
Regional Head of Seamanship Tim Huckvale said, “This was the first time Russ Davidson had been the coxn of Minerva for the whole trip and he did well.
There was plenty of opportunity to put the lessons learned in the classroom into practice, such as skills in anchoring at sea, VHF, boat handling and navigation.”
HOU Nic Price said, “It was a particularly good trip this year as we encountered many different types of weather and sea-states when we visited Cardiff and Portishead before returning to Sharpness”.
Pictured: MVS Minerva entering Sharpness Lock as she returns home.