Severn Unit Responds to Help a Parrot in Need

Severn Unit had an unusual call from the Avon Lock Keeper Nicky Lancaster who needed to be taken across the rising floodwater to her lock house to check on her parrot Chip after she and her husband had been evacuated from their home in the Gloucestershire floods.
Their parrot was left in the house as they expected that they would return home quickly but with water levels rising it was not possible.
Nicky Lancaster said, “A huge thank you to the unit for getting me safely across flooded ground so I could check on Chip. The MVS really are a lifeline!!”
The Unit has been keeping a constant watch on the river levels over the last few weeks and members have helped in a number of ways ranging from offering assistance to a local business who needed help putting stock above flood level to assisting householders to deploy flood defences across their doors.
The team also transported people from the local Aschurch Station into the town when the roads became submerged and the buses were unable to run.