New HoU for Northumbria

The Northumbria Unit has welcomed a new Head of Unit onboard.
Accountant Jennifer Mitchelson is taking over the helm from Angela Carrington who has built up the unit’s good reputation within the maritime community during the last seven years.
Jennifer originally volunteered her services to the unit helping to keep their financial accounts in order but very soon, she decided to don her lifejacket and learn the ropes as an active operational member of the team.
In her day job, Jennifer is the Interim Head of Finance with NCG-London, one of the largest national training and college groups in the UK, of which Newcastle College is a part.
“The whole unit are very grateful to Newcastle College as they not only let us use their teaching facilities, but they have kindly let us store one of our small vessels over the winter in their facilities at Wallsend,” she said. “We’d particularly like to thank Principal Scott Bullock for the help he has given to the Unit and the support he has given to me”.
As a thank you for her sterling service to the unit, outgoing Head of Unit was presented with a brass ship’s clock and barometer by the members.