MVS Christchurch and Bournemouth

Unit Information

Head of Unit: Greg Lustig

Telephone: 07586 349210



We are based at Christchurch in Dorset and operate within the harbour, it’s tributaries and coastal waters.
The location provides a wide range of conditions ideal for training and furthering your maritime experience.
If you already have practical knowledge or are keen to learn we’re always on the lookout for more members.
So whatever walk of life you are from please come along and see us.
As a member you can also get involved in our activities providing services to the local community.

Our main activity is to carry out weekend and some weekday patrols throughout the year on the rivers Stour and Avon, and Mudeford Harbour.
Our patrols are to assist the boating public in any way, and to support local organisations like the Coast Guard, RNLI, the police and the local council as well as local boatyards and yacht clubs.
We provide marshalling services at local regattas and a safety boat at Dorset Dinghy Day.
Our boat is an ex RNLI D class inshore lifeboat which is excellently suited for our activities.
We meet once a week to discuss the units and MVS activities at 2 Croft Road, Christchurch, BH 23 3QQ
We have a stall at local events to promote the MVS and safety on the water as well as fund raising like holding car boot sales and Tombolas.


Unit Address

Christchurch and Bournemouth
2 Croft Road
Christchurch BH23 3QQ
United Kingdom

Unit Contact

Phone: 07586 349210