CoM moves on to Gravesend

The travelling caravan known as CoM (Committee of Management) arrived at the Lower Thames in Gravesend on the last day of May.
Ready to meet the team as it arrived were the local members of the Lower Thames Unit, under their HoU, Ian Foreman who supplied tea and bacon sandwiches to the visitors.
CoM then started on the days business which covered topics including Safety, Insurance and Membership.
Delegates from around the regions of the South coast were also present to witness the inner workings of CoM.
One commented that “It was interesting to see how much work the committee undertakes and I now appreciate more of what they are doing for the service”
After lunch the Chair of the Council Elfyn Hughes gave two presentations covering the strategy of the service and a more detailed insight as to what a charity is and more importantly what a charity could and could not do.
Last word goes to a Lower Thames member who said “This was a great meeting but on a day like today when we could have been afloat, could you not have CoM in the Winter?”
They were reminded that CoM meets every two months come rain or shine and will return when their travels take them to Bristol in July.
Photo 1: CoM gets down to work L-R, Liz Glare, Les Miller, Chris Todd, Lynn Peppitt and Kerran Talbot.
Photo 2: John Spencer-Barnes, David Button and Kerran Talbot alongside the Thames in Gravesend.