East Sussex celebrates first 21 years


Members of the Eastbourne-based East Sussex Sovereign Harbour Unit (ESSHU) celebrated the MVS’s 21st birthday during their Tuesday meeting at Sovereign Harbour on 31st March.

HoU Keith Johnson explains, “Our East Sussex Sovereign Harbour Unit still has several founder members and we decided to mark the occasion with a promotions ceremony and the cutting of a special cake.”

He added, “I’m glad to say many of our members have advanced through our training programme this year, though not all could be present to receive their new insignia.”

One of the Unit’s founding members, Les Quilty, has been the main organiser of the 21st celebration which has included sending out 21st birthday cards to past members of the MVS.

eastsussex21years02The cards were designed by another founder member Geoff Frost.

Some cards are still available and Les is asking HoUs to send him the names and addresses of anyone who they think deserves a ‘Thank You’ from the current membership and ESSHU will send them a card.Les is also one of a small team working on a proposed memorial website and says that any information on deceased members would be helpful.While he has been busy on the celebration, Les is one of the skippers of the Unit’s main vessel, the 17.5 metre long launch East Sussex 1 (ESI) and is looking forward to a busy season afloat.There will be a number of opportunity for members of other Units to sail on ES1 this year, primarily in late July and August when she will deploy to the Solent to support Cowes Harbour Authority during Cowes Week and will also spend some time carrying out training trips in the Solent.

Members who want to sail on ES1 should contact David Hughes at anderimar.news@googlemail.com or by phone on 01323 768998.

MVS East Sussex