Message from the Chair


We are about to take a small step towards normal operations.
Council has approved a limited, cautious return to afloat activities, subject to strict conditions.
This is primarily so that Units who have understandings with local river and port authorities can resume safety patrols if they have enough members who wish to do so.

This is a welcome development.
However, enthusiasm must very much be tempered with reality.
We still live in dangerous times.
Covid-19 is still with us and it has killed one of our members.
So, we need to be extremely careful.

Please remember that Council has ALLOWED some afloat operations to take place but it is definitely NOT REQUIRING Units, whether they have agreements with harbour masters or not, to resume safety patrols.

Resumption of afloat activities may mainly be appropriate for younger, less-at-risk members.
Council is NOT encouraging anybody who has doubts about getting involved in even restricted activities at this stage to take part.

Members who are shielding must not get involved in any way until the arrangements concerning shielding are changed.
Those over 70, or who for any reason may be considered vulnerable, should think carefully before putting themselves forward.
The early indications are that only a limited number of Units will be running safety patrols in the next few weeks.
If in doubt hold back for now, be patient.

The CVO has issued detailed instructions to Units on what is permissible at this stage.
No afloat operations of any sort will be allowed until Unit and craft-specific risk assessments have been approved by the relevant RVO and the CVO and the HoU has been advised operational insurance cover for their craft has been put in place.

Stay Alert, Stay Safe.

David Hughes
Chair of Council