MVS AGM to be held in Fareham
The MVS Council is pleased to announce that the 2016 Annual General Meeting will be held at HMS Collingwood in Fareham on Saturday 19th November 2016.
The AGM has a number of purposes.
These include enabling the trustees to report on progress made since the November 2015 AGM and to consult members on future developments.
It is also to enable the MVS to seek approval from members for the 2015-16 Annual Report and Accounts before these are formally filed with the Charity Commission and at Companies House and to approve the independent accountant.
There will also be the opportunity for members to elect trustees who will assist in governing and guiding the MVS through the coming years.
Remember that your vote counts and if you cannot attend you should use your proxy vote.
Details will be in the calling letter which will be issued soon.